We are proud to present you the most universal pharmacy assistants in Europe: 

VISION PHARMA !  A real parapharmacy machine.

Designed to make you take a full break while they work, these assistants are charged with a bulk of configurations to fulfill any specific needs on-site. 

These vending machines have so many options for personalisations, like no other had before.

Look at one presentation wtih locations shown here.

Actual range of machines themselves you may find in the link at the end.

You may consider also their option for possible configurations of machines one-next-to-another, up to five in total. This configuration can provide more room than a small pharmacy behind-the-corner, for example.

If you may wish, you can see how they can be configured as an full-sized and interactive Point-Of-Sale called MSK  here.

Look at the last edition of the catalogue here.

It will be our pleasure to answer your questions here


Look at this picture of two standard non-branded units, coupled together with one common payment system:


As you can see, there is a separate entrance of the pharmacy, where clients in the business hours noticed on the door are served.

After business hours the clients are served at the specially dedicated "24 HOUR AREA" zone next to the entrance, where are the VISION machines.

Here you can offer various articles that are not necessary to be consulted with a pharmacian or that are just .. consumables or whatever.

This way it is not neccesary to have a night duty pharmacian which is another type of job than in the regular business hours.

But,.. wait !

These machines are already available and working also during the business hours.
Yes, that's right. You have just doubled your sales' forces for within the business hours too !

Effective !

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